Bullfighting photography Perfection Morantista

Photographie prize by Luis Vega. Photographie bullfighting of the matador Morante de la Puebla donnant a muletazo d’art. Perfection morantiste. Book on high quality paper photos. Preparation times 7 and 10 days

90,00 361,00 

Estimated delivery between Jul 29, 2024 - Jul 30, 2024

Photography taken by Luis Vega. Bullfighting photograph of the matador Morante de la Puebla giving a muletazo of art. Morantist Perfection. Delivered on high quality photo paper.

⚠️ Preparation of photographs may take between 7 and 10 days to ship, plus shipping itself. For any questions, contact us. ⚠️

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 10 cm
Size of the photo in cm

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