Puerta Grande Tassel Bullfighting Necklace

Beautiful Puerta Grande Necklace made with the authentic tassels of the bullfighting costumes (the ornaments  hanging from the shoulder pads and the pants), in gold, silver or black, finished with ornaments in these same colors and combined with an elegant metallic chain, creating a unique and very original necklace.



The “machos” are those unmistakable tassels of the bullfighter’s costumes, in the bullfighting language it is common to hear “tie the tassels” to refer to the preparation before fighting.  Toroshopping has taken this adornment from the traditional bullfighter’s costume, to take it to another totally different area, necklaces. This is how the Puerta Grande necklaces were born. With jet black, silver gray or gold trim, they are reminiscent of matador costumes. The metallic chain completes the pendant, thus making it possible for women to also wear machos.

Weight 0,1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 10 cm

Black, Gold-Black, Gold-White, Silver-Black, Silver-White


clothing type

Metal type





Accesorios Toroshopping

Toroshopping diseña y fabrica en España su propia marca de complementos, TS, realizados con mucho mimo con auténticos materiales de tauromaquía y con piel de Ubrique de primera calidad. Entre sus accesorios de moda taurina más conocidos, destacan las mascarillas de tela de capote de torero, así como la Pulsera reversible Las Ventas, de capote en el anverso y con la bandera de España en piel en el reverso.

Complementos Silvia Barca

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