Sarah Jessica Parker bullfighter costume

This beautiful Bullfighter costume was lent by Toroshopping to the Spanish magazine Smoda for a shooting with the famous american actress Sarah Jessica Parker (Sex in the City, Tentation in Manhattan…).

Size Guide


Choose here the color of the costume or jacket *

Dressing in a suit of lights is a ritual, carrying an essence that transcends the sacred. The vehicle that transforms a man into a bullfighter. A rite in which only the bullfighter and his swordsman can be present as an assistant. Hence all the symbology that surrounds this clothing: its colors, its shapes, its volume, will endow the bullfighter with a confidence that he must show off when he goes out into the ring.

Since its creation, the costume of lights is one of the most identifying elements of the party. Its name comes from the optical effects produced by the sequins that adorn it. It is made of silk and covered with gold or silver embroidery in the case of matadors (only matadors can wear gold), and silver or jet in the case of subordinates or banderilleros.

The value of a custom suit of lights is inestimable, the only way for a bullfighter to find the necessary comfort to go out into the ring is dressed in a completely tailored piece that adapts to his movements. Now you have the opportunity to acquire an authentic work of art, like the suit of lights that actress Sarah Jessica Parker wore in her report for Smoda magazine, adapting it to your favorite colors.

The clothing and accessories of a bullfighter includes:

  • Bullfighter’s cap (black hat)
  • Jacket or short jacket
  • Satchel or high-waisted, very tight pants
  • pink stockings
  • black leather sneakers
  • parade cape
  • White shirt
  • Cummerbund and Bowtie
  • Pigtail or Castañeta

Weight 8 kg
Dimensions 50 × 25 × 40 cm

Black, Blue, pink, Purple, Red, White


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Sastrería de Toreros Justo Algaba

Sastre Justo Algaba

Hablar de Justo Algaba, es hablar de productos de sastrería de gran calidad. Justo lleva más de 50 años creando piezas únicas para grandes toreros, así como artistas como Andy García, Lola Flores, Plácido Domingo. También ha creado obras espectaculares para películas como Sangre y Arena, Juncal, Herederos, Hable con ella y Carmen, así como también en las óperas de Londres, Dresden, Nueva York, Sídney y Ámsterdam. Justo Algaba es un gran profesional de la materia, confeccionando artesanalmente piezas únicas para cada momento. Realiza desde vestidos de luces, trajes goyescos para toreo a pie, así como trajes cortos, de picadores, rejoneo portugués para el toreo a caballo, así como capotes, muletas, bolsas y fundones, espadas y estoques, banderillas, sombreros y monteras, camisas , fajines y corbatines, medias y leotardos,... un sinfín de productos taurinos con una calidad inigualable que ponemos a tu disposición en
Justo Algaba

Size Guide

Approximate size guide for matador costumes and jackets

Medidas necesarias para un traje de luces personalizado

Approximate Sizes

Estimation of sizes in European and US/UK measurements
XS1,60-1,65m / 5'3"-5'4" 55-60kg / 122-132lb
S 1,70m / 5'58" 60-65kg / 132-143lbs
M1,70-1,75m / 5'74" 70kg / 145-155lbs
L1,75-1,80m / 5´90" 75-78kg / 160-170lbs
XL1,85-1,90m / 6'2"1,85-1,90m / 6'2"
If you have any doubt, we can also send you a measurement chart. Please note that that height and weight are approximate, more or less +/- 8 cm in height and +/-3 kgs in weight.

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