Professional Bullfighter’s Cape for Children 7-12 years old

Bullfighter’s muleta pack for cadets between 7 and 12 years old, made by an authentic bullfighting tailor. The muleta pack offers the possibility of including the staker and help for an extra price (simulated sword for children, without tip).

159,00 199,00 

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SKU20260005 Categories,

Junior red bullfighting cape pack made by professional tailoring, it is created with a wooden stick that is inserted into a red cloth or fabric, which is used by the bullfighter to carry out the last third of the bullfight and prepare the death of the bull in fight it on foot. It is smaller and lighter than a cape to give the bullfighter more ease of movement. The cape must be accompanied by its stake holder or support stick.

In the cadet bullfighter’s muleta pack, everything is designed in proportion to cadet bullfighters so that mobility is not an obstacle. Measurements and weight are proportional.

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 5 cm

Only the Cape, Cape with wood stick and fake sword


Sastrería de Toreros

Trajes de Luces de Segunda Mano, Capotes y Muletas de Torero, Capotes de Paseo, Monteras y todos los accesorios del toreo profesional, elaborados por sastres de toreros.

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